
was the first paint manufactured in Romania dedicated to services, launched in 1974.
EMAUR products are used for the repair and maintenance of passenger cars and industrial and agricultural transport vehicles, industrial equipment but also dedicated to the DIY area.
The notoriety of the brand is completed by the proven quality of the products and by the experience of almost 50 years in the field. The palette of shades is diversified, and the products have increased covering power and durability.

The range of products
- Non-metallic car paint 1K
- 2K non-metallic car paint
- Non-metallic car paint spray
- Primer
For suggestions, comments, or if you simply want to know more about us, please use the form below:
Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 29A, et. 6, sect. 5,
clădirea AFI Tech Park 1, București -
021 345 1730